Stuffed Cookies

This is a super simple concept but it tastes amazing. Who doesn't want to bite into a cookie and get even more gooey goodness in the center? The recipe that I am using is my Grandma Nielson's Double Trouble Chocolate Chip Cookies with a Nutella surprise in the middle. Talk about my dream cookie, chocolate ONLY.

For a step-by-step video tutorial, please refer to my Instagram page @fair.bakes and look under the highlight "Cookies".

Stuffed Cookies

- 1 batch of your favorite type of cookie (I used Grandma Nielson's Double Trouble Chocolate Chip Cookies minus the chocolate chips and nuts)
- About 24 teaspoons of Nutella (or peanut butter, or whatever else you think would be amazing in the middle of your cookie)


1. Freeze teaspoonfuls of Nutella onto a wax paper lined cookie sheet. Freeze them until they are solid and can peel off the paper.
2. Meanwhile, make your cookie dough of choice. If your cookie dough is naturally more sticky it may be necessary to refrigerate the dough overnight so that it can hold it's shape when you have to manipulate the dough. 
3. Line a cookie sheet with wax paper. Take a cookie scoop of dough and roll it between your hands, flattening it until it's wide enough to hold the teaspoon of Nutella with no overlaps.
4. Take your frozen Nutella blobs and place them in the center of your flattened cookies. 
5. Repeat step 3 and place the flattened dough on top of the Nutella blob, sealing the edges so that nothing leaks out. It will have a little dome but it will flatten out in the oven!
